Friday, April 19, 2013

Are We Dead?

Are we dead? Or is their something like mankind still alive inside us?

Pondering over the question and wish each and every of the person should once ask this question to themselves. What has happened to the society? What has happened to the mankind? Why are we behaving like cats and dogs or even worst then them?

Yes I really mean we… Because it is one of us who raped the 5 year old child, battered and had plastic bottles and candles shoved inside her. Horrific! Terribly Horrific! He wasn’t a criminal or a serial killer, the person who is in doubts for the case; he was just a normal human living in the neighbourhood, just like you and me. The person who is equally rightful and dutiful towards society has acted like a demon.

And to add to it, it is being said that police people gave a bribe of Rs. 2,000/- to shut up and also asked her father to be thankful for she is alive. If that is true, then I think those policemen should be shot dead. Not much far in December we stood up for damini and protested and finally the girl died, but at least her destroyers were properly taken in the custody. Why can’t we stand up, why can’t we unite altogether this time also and ask for the justice to the tiny little gal.

Stand up, protest and make this government realize that we are not blind, we are not deaf and seriously we can’t be fooled every now and then on the name of law and justice. Let’s do something, let’s raise the voice.