Saturday, October 25, 2014

Lost Clean India After Diwali???

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi exhorted people to fulfil Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of clean India on 2nd October 2014 – Gandhi Jayanti. Launching the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan at Rajpath in New Delhi PM gave us knowledge about our social responsibility by reminding the Clean India dream of Mahatma Gandhi.

Keeping aside the political impact on the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan or Clean India, if we look at the casual view from the side of normal people, the success of this mission could give us a better atmosphere, better society and healthy environment for ourselves and our children. Many big names and fames joined this moment on the day and were seen in news thereafter also following the great epitome of it. But where are we?

Talking about government has always been an easy deal for each one of us, but this time government or better mention the prime minister himself has given a task to you and that too in the benefit of yourselves and your society. So what are we doing about the particular task? Are we cleaning our homes? Are we cleaning our neighborhoods? Are we inspiring the people to keep our city clean? No!!!

We simply did some cleaning of our houses on the occasion of Diwali and now we are too tired to even think of cleaning the roads, which we messed up ourselves by the dust of fire crackers. Diwali time, we had lots of fun; we fired lots of crackers on the name of festival, polluted the atmosphere and enjoyed doing it. But now we are done with the festival, some rest and then we need to get back to work for our responsibility as student, professional, employee, employer or housewife. But then what about our duty as citizen? Ever thought about being a good citizen of the nation that we denote as Mother India???

Many of us, when we travel to different countries and see the beautiful clean atmosphere around ourselves, we feel so glad. It gives us the blossom in our heart, the sadness, negative thoughts and all those blue feelings vanishes with the beauty in environment! But do you know that in those particularly clean countries, if you throw the waste here and there, you will be fined hard. And next if you see the atmosphere already very clean, you would not even dare to throw the dust anywhere, that’s the human psychology. But then why can’t we create the same atmosphere and same environment around us and carry that beautiful blossom within our heart for good?

Health is wealth and the first step towards the health is healthier and clean surroundings. Open your heart, open your mind and go out of your house. At least clean the mess that you and your family has created in your own street, go for the first step and rest you all are intelligent enough, once you start it, I am sure there will be no look back.

Let’s stand up, hold those brooms and give our this Sunday to #CleanIndia moment, which then will bring better India for us and our future generations. 

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