To those who are asking for Freedom Of Kashmir..
I write in this open statement because something terrible is happening in the Kashmir Valley. The recent events at Srinagar only brought the situation to national attention. Some locals or outsiders pretending to be locals started to use stone and granite bombs on visitors if Kashmir as well as on military forces. Many visitors claims to have been beaten as well and some lungars for Amarnath Yatra has been looted too. Thereafter, many political and non political clashes have broken out in north Kashmir. And yet more is expected in the coming month.
I understand that there is little pro-India sentiment amongst locals in the Kashmir Valley. Many would rather the Valley be on its own, some wouldn’t even mind being with Pakistan. I will not judge you. Despite being a patriotic Indian, i won’t hold it against you if you hate India. You must and do have your reasons for it.
However, allow me to present another point of view. Allow me to tell you how your future will be best, on a practical basis, if the Kashmir Valley integrates and assimilates with India. This is not an emotional, political or historical argument. It is simply more rational for people in the Kashmir Valley who seek a better future to do it with India.
Sure, the experts will jump on me now and I am ready to take all the blames and harsh comments on me. But to those who wants to make Kashmir independent, have you ever thought that your condition will be worst and soon Pakistan is going to take you over. And to those who are happily interested in making the state a part of Pakistan, have you not seen the constant fear that people are facing in most of the parts of Pakistan? Are you really not aware about the common security issues or do you just want to close your eyes and stay ignorant always? Either way, you are choosing death or if still better a life with constant fear.
There is also a risk of its being taken over by fundamentalist Islamic forces. It is unlikely anybody from outside would invest money in such a dangerous place. There would be no jobs and no safety. Would you want to live there? Ditto if it joins Pakistan. India is seen as a major emerging market economy. Pakistan is not even seen as a real economy.
Another issue is women’s rights. Half of the Valley’s people are women. Given the hold of fundamentalist Islam, their rights would be curbed under both the independence and Pakistan options. This half of the population would be better off with India. Or do what women want not matter?
If you are Kashmiri and care for Kashmir, the best thing you can do is to integrate with India. Your population size is small, only 7 million. It is not unthinkable to unite them and create a group of people that talks real business with the Indian government. Your local politician won’t talk assimilation, as he or she would rather hold more power than a typical state government in India. However, for you, the youth, the best bet is to make the Valley truly and heartily a part of India.
The rest of India should not ask for the removal of Article 370. The 7 million people in the Valley should. Kashmiri Pandits who were made to leave the Valley need to be brought back. Terrorism is no solution, nor revenge and retribution for Indian atrocities. Terrorism is only going to harm people in the Valley most.
So, it is youth in the Valley who have to now start a movement to really solve this problem. Get rid of Article 370. It is not empowering Kashmir. It is only empowering your local politicians, who frankly can do nothing for you without Indian integration.
Don’t blame the Indian army. It has the tough job of weeding out terrorists from a civilian population which is almost impossible without collateral damage, terrible as that might be. However, blame those truly responsible, the Pakistani army, the local leaders who exploited the situation and the experts who did nothing for you.
Don’t harm your fellow Indians, don't harm your own security forces. Don’t feel good when India fails.
Because if India fails, you will fail too.
This is truly my point of you, but you are free to share it and post it on your own wall.
And with this post I am deleting all known and unknown people from my Facebook who have been talking against Kashmir or are sharing images that harms my patriotic feelings. I do not hold any grudges towards you but I am clear on my point of view and I deny to accept anything less then that.
- By Ritu Roy
(With credit to some facts and parts taken from Open Letter To Kashmiri Youth by Chetan Bhagat)