Sunday, March 17, 2013

Be Proud To Be A Woman

Not every woman is a good home maker
Not every woman is a good cook
Not every woman is a good writer
Not every woman is a good artist
Not every woman is a good singer
Not every woman is a good struggler
Not every woman is a good business mind
Not every woman is a good teacher
Not every woman is a good spokes person
Not every woman is a good leader
Not every woman is a good house wife
Not every woman is a good researcher
But still for sure every woman is special..

There is one or other thing special in every individual and I say more in woman because it is said that woman are the best creation of God. According to a verse it is also said that ‘Every woman is a gift when she becomes daughter, Every woman is beautiful when she becomes lover, Every woman is special when she becomes wife and Every woman is GOD when she becomes mother’. Be proud that you are a woman and be proud that you are born to create the universe. Be proud coz you are from the gender that is born and nurtured with special gifts.

Despite of all flaws in you, I am very sure there is something very special hidden in you at some corner, the need only is to find that special talent, that special thing from within you. The seeds of this special thing or talent are there within you since you are born, the only need is to notice them and cultivate them. Talent is an ability or natural capacity that we have, which may range from our creativity or intelligence or even social skills to our athletic abilities. We all have talents, but we are not always good in identifying them or may be just never thought about it and hence we miss it even when it is right in front of us.

To know and understand this special ability of yours is very simple, one must need to just do a bit of self research. Don’t be overwhelmed with someone who is good at calculating, designing, decorating or writing, just look for what you are good at. Do praise what others do, but never force yourself to do something that is not your cup of tea. Read yourself, ask yourself what you enjoy to do and what you love doing and then recall the things that you were complimented for by many people from your friends, family or any xyz person. Do you think you have been often complimented for cooking good? Then try your talents on cooking itself. Do you think you have been complimented for making people understand and explain them? Then you could be a good counsellor. Do you think you have been often noticed when writing something out of blue? Then you could be a good writer. This is the way to judge yourself and find out what is special within you and as I said earlier, everybody has a special talent which is gifted by God, so the need is to search for it and not let it go in vain.

The day when you find out your hidden talent, don’t hide it for be it anything. Don’t think what people are going to say about it, don’t think about the society and what kind of work it is, coz no work is actually small or big, no talent is actual respectable or unrespectable. It totally depends upon you on how you pursue it and how you bring it out to the world. Once you have found your best ability no one can keep you down and you are surely to rise with your own potential. Be brave enough to do the right justice with your potential yourself and there will be a day when world will bow down on your feet and salute you. Every woman is special and should know her own self worth. A woman should never compromise her integrity, her love for herself, or anything about her that God has given her that makes her unique. She is an amazing being, with unlimited potential. She has the capability of completing several of life tasks, simultaneously, without one compliant. She can be very strong willed and can have the strength of a lioness, when needed. At the same time she can be very gentle, meek, and mild. She has beauty glowing all about, even if at times she doesn’t see it.

At the start, when you find your talent and take the time to pursue it and cultivate it, there will be time of struggle, but you must not be afraid to fight this battle for yourself, for your dignity. Whatever we achieve in life is through struggle. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets, and don't forget the power in the struggle, don’t forget to give your talents and most of all yourself a true justice.

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