Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Courage To Speak Against!

It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. A ripple of hope which gives courage to others who have been quite for long and never thought that their words would be heard or never thought that they could speak up against the injustice to them or happening in front of them to their fellow society members.

Mostly the people speaking out or raising the first voice are usually not the ones who are suffering; it is the voice of spectators that makes a real difference. Cause in our society it is a normal thinking that if one is speaking for himself/herself no one is going to support people just stand and stare. But if someone is speaking for the others who are not much known to the narrator, then people find the interest in knowing the actual matter and it’s seriousness. Whereas in our society it is also very common to be a spectator and watch everything and comment that, when no one is raising the voice why should I? To that common comment or question, I have a answer. You should because one day the victim could be you and just like you if all the spectator thinks that ‘Why Should I?’ then you as a victim would be in a trouble. But once the society changes their view on speaking for others, raising the voice for others and being not only spectator but a judge, spokesperson or a fighter for the humanity, the scenario will change.

There would be no more gals who would be raped in a public place or place surrounded by people like you. No one would easily dare to snatch your purse and run away. Nobody would be allowed to be so inhuman to hurt you on his speed ride and move on without noticing. No acts of violence would be done in the society where people would be alert. No one would be asking for bribe for admissions and a good post in a government institute. No old man would be waiting years for his pension to start after the hard working years of his life. No politicians would ever dare to make false promises and No voice would ever go unheard then.

But remember this change in the society can be brought from within each of you. It will surely be a true revolution when we will stop asking the question Why Should I? and rather instead ask for a question Why Not Me? Or Why Can’t I?

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